1. aalkhanany

    YES, Student absent is a global issue. We have high rates of absenteeism in Saudi Arabia. I liked the idea of providing incentives for the grade level for the students who achieve the attendance goal periodically rather than waiting for the end of the year. I think that will make the students more enthusiastic to have free school dances or snacks.

  2. nacosta4

    I liked how your research incorporated studies from other countries to solve your issue. I also liked your idea of an attendance committee and how detailed their roles were. Some suggestions for your paper would be to state what ESSA stands for and describe what the Tribal Attendance Pilot Project was. It sounded like it would be beneficial to incorporate but left me curious as to what it was.

  3. sfernandez

    I agree having chronic absences can lead to other problems in school and at home for students. It is interesting to learn that this is a global issue. Forming a PLC on attendance is a way to tackle this issue. By having an attendance committee focused on this problem and keeping track of absences is important. Further, creating incentives for student attendance can be motivating and a solution.

  4. mlopez100

    Jasmine, in my experience in Catholic Schools, absences is a major issue. A bigger issue we find are excessive tardiness. The strategies you shared are ones that any school can implement. What I found interesting was your research findings that the issue of absenteeism is not just a local issue, but rather a global issue. Whenever incentives or fun competitions are involved, there is an increase in participation. What a great way to get kids to come to school!

  5. cbriseno4

    Jasmine, I agree that if a student isn’t in the classroom he or she is not learning. This goes for athletes as well. The more they miss practice, the less they learn and miss out on learning opportunities. I was a bit skeptical when you said the registrar would be in charge of phone calls home because I thought, what about the teacher and their relationship with the families as well? But, you did include them in there so I liked that. Many times there are things going on at home, at school, or even internally with the student that it can lead to them missing school. As an educator it is our job to be there for these students even if it is not listed in our job description. I thought that the incentive ideas were great!

  6. ephillips8

    Jasmine, I agree. Absences are a major issue, children must be in school to learn. The law can only do so much in preventing attendance, and students will push it to the limit. It is not sufficient enough to just have truancy laws, so incentives can be a great way to increase attendance rates! I know when I was young, I would pride myself on the certificate I received at the end of the year that said “perfect attendance for the school year.” but I realize that not everyone will put as much value into a piece of paper that I did. Snack incentives will have great results, because everyone loves food, and dances are a great incentive as well because most students love events that get them excused from class even just for a little while.

  7. ataramona

    One big question that came to mind when reading your paper was if other states have an accountability rating like Oregon. I like the word choice because students, parents, teachers, and the school should be held accountable for the success of their students. To me, when the student knows that he/she had a supportive team, that would help incentivize them to attend and put forth effort in school. I do like the 5 members of the that will be a apart of the attendance committee; I think that each one are going to be pertinent to student attendance.
    Good job(:

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