Meeting the Social Emotional Needs of Teachers during a Pandemic
I greatly appreciated your approach to tackling this question of how to support the emotional needs of teachers during this time of the pandemic. Your discussion of this topic is one that we are aware of on some level, but yet we have not quite really addressed how do we do this? nor the impact that this ongoing underlying stress plays out for our teachers and in turn for our students.
In your referencing Wendy Turner (2020) and the five competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making, I can see the need for the development of these skills. The use of your survey for the campus to gather baseline data for where the campus stands overall is a good beginning for bringing awareness to this need for self-care through our emotional intelligence. My question is what does this possibly looks like on campus? When I ask this question, I am asking for myself. As a fellow administrator, I am aware of this need as well.
On page 7 of your research proposal, you state quite clearly “There are many challenges that leaders face during this time of COVID19. The stresses of the unknown and trying to plan during a time of uncertainty can create much personal worry and anxiety”. I whole-heartedly agree with this statement. The stresses of the unknown are very real and are also compounded by the issues we face in our current national climate and situation, i.e., contentious presidential election, Black Lives Matter movement, as well as the effects that this pandemic has had on job security, food scarcity, housing insecurity, etc.
I thank you for your work. I can only feel more than ever the need for faith, prayer, and grace as a part of our self-care. As a leader in a catholic school community, I share your understanding of this problem. I think that the words “Vaya con Dios” that Dr. Willson signs off her class sessions can serve as an example of a simple yet powerful prayer for where we are and to remind us that we are not alone in this.
Meeting the Social Emotional Needs of Teachers during a Pandemic
I greatly appreciated your approach to tackling this question of how to support the emotional needs of teachers during this time of the pandemic. Your discussion of this topic is one that we are aware of on some level, but yet we have not quite really addressed how do we do this? nor the impact that this ongoing underlying stress plays out for our teachers and in turn for our students.
In your referencing Wendy Turner (2020) and the five competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making, I can see the need for the development of these skills. The use of your survey for the campus to gather baseline data for where the campus stands overall is a good beginning for bringing awareness to this need for self-care through our emotional intelligence. My question is what does this possibly looks like on campus? When I ask this question, I am asking for myself. As a fellow administrator, I am aware of this need as well.
On page 7 of your research proposal, you state quite clearly “There are many challenges that leaders face during this time of COVID19. The stresses of the unknown and trying to plan during a time of uncertainty can create much personal worry and anxiety”. I whole-heartedly agree with this statement. The stresses of the unknown are very real and are also compounded by the issues we face in our current national climate and situation, i.e., contentious presidential election, Black Lives Matter movement, as well as the effects that this pandemic has had on job security, food scarcity, housing insecurity, etc.
I thank you for your work. I can only feel more than ever the need for faith, prayer, and grace as a part of our self-care. As a leader in a catholic school community, I share your understanding of this problem. I think that the words “Vaya con Dios” that Dr. Willson signs off her class sessions can serve as an example of a simple yet powerful prayer for where we are and to remind us that we are not alone in this.