Remind Information

Remind is a communication platform that helps educators reach students and parents where they are.

Fast: Messages are sent in real time to an entire class, a small group, or just a single person. You can also schedule announcements ahead of time and attach photos and other files.

Accessible: With Remind, you can send text messages straight to any phone, including flip phones. To reach every family, translate your messages into more than 90 languages before you send.

Effective: Use delivery receipts to see who’s reading your messages. 

Remind’s guidelines, practices, and features have been designed to protect the safety and security of users and their personal information. Remind has been certified by iKeepSafe for privacy practices related to COPPA, FERPA, and California Student Privacy.

St. Mary’s University Disclaimer: Remind is a third-party service commonly used in K-20 for communications between instructors and student. However, St. Mary’s does not have an enterprise contract with Remind.

For more information, check out the video to learn more about Remind.

For assistance accessing Remind, please visit the Remind Help Center.


Remind Guides

Remind Guide
Remind Guide

Provided by Remind.